Monday, January 16, 2006

Choices: Parents or Spouse

"one has to make choices during different junctures in their life:
simple choices, tough choices and impossible choices."

since young, i often heard this question: your mum/dad and your wife both felled into a river at the same time, who would u save 1st?

some smart alec would reply with a corny "oh, it depends on who can't swim" or "i would/wouldn't save either" blah blah blah

so wat happened IF YOU REALLY HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE. yes, a serious choice between the two. what would your answer be??

a) your mum/dad
b) your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband

tough isn't it?
take some time to think about it.

alright, you have your choice already? are you prepared/dare to proclaim your choice to the opposite party, ie, the party not chosen by you??

aha, there you go again. think hard. there's a hidden question inside this original question: that is, who do you love more??

you choose A), you dun love your partners enough.
you choose B), you are branded an unfillial, ungrateful brat.

some incidents lately have led to me thinking about this simple question. ive given it much thought for some time, and i conclude that:

  1. there is no basis for comparison here.
  2. we are looking at two very different types of love. 亲情 and 爱情
  3. the 2 solutions are mutually exclusive, choosing a) doesnt mean your love for a) is higher than b) and vice versa.
noting the words in bold above, if one STILL has to come up with a solution, to the extent dat all in this world has to come up with an answer and failure to do so will lead to an instant death/failure to ejaculate/failure to have orgasm for the remaining of your life,

i would proudly and dare to proclaim to all in this world, that my choice will be A) my parents. i seldom disclose this except to my close friends, but here i am, telling all what constitutes to my choice.

my parents aren't on good terms. they have not been talking to each other since im in primary school.
also, i used to have an elder brother, yes, USED TO. but he passed away in an accident when im 18. his death really made me grew up, i learnt to be more responsible, mature thinking etc. his death oso made me closer to my parents. i oso start to understand the importance of family and what filial piety means.
As the only child, i see it as my responsiblity to care and to provide for my mum and dad till the day they/me no longer breathe.

i hope my reasoning is clear enough.

having said that, i must emphasize that this choice DOES NOT MEAN THAT I DUN LOVE MY DEAR ENOUGH OR AS MUCH. its my responsibility to care and to provide for her too!All those who doubted wat i said and jump to conclusions dat my answer impliues that i dun love my dear enough, please.....come up with logic reasonings or concrete proof that suggests so.

to ALL those who chose b) your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband, as your answer, i believe there's certain reasons that constitutes that.........

however, please think real hard before u commit to this answer, and i say again: do you dare to proclaim this statement to all???

a very lengthy post indeed

a pandora box waiting to be opened
a question that shouldn't be poised
a question that shouldn't be answered
an importance that shouldn't be ranked

filial piety isnt a crime, isnt it??

im tired, very very tired
both physically and mentally.

Monday, December 12, 2005

12th Dec 2005 Lunch (edited)

u wun believe wat i had for lunch today!!!!

dun say you, i cant believe it myself dat this is wat i really bought for lunch!!!

南摩啊密陀佛! 善哉善哉!

have been maiming lotsa chicken with the countless 百鸡腿饭 i have been consuming lately.(yaohui can verify man), so decided to atone my sins by becoming vegetarian for a day half a day.

南摩啊密陀佛! 善哉善哉!

i failed.
i felt so weak, so restless for the remainin of the day.......
must be due to lack of meat in my stomach.......
fark veggies man. i had chicken rice yet again for my dinner!!!


for those missing my entries(read: my dear. wahaha), im back with a loud loud bang!!
yeah, im feeling much better now that the dreaded exams are over, and yes, my comp is finally finally back from the dead.

This stupid computer took me bloody close to a week to repair ok! i'ver never reformatted a hard-disc before, so i never knew how long it would take. so when i was formatting an old hard-disc to be used for installing my OS(my old harddisc chui-ded liao), it took close to 5 HOURS to do the job.

i didnt give much thought bout it, juz let it slowly format lor, while i took a nap. then after everything is done and while installing windows XP, errors would appeared, and the whole installation prcoess would stall!! simi dai ji???

i tried re-installing, going thru the whole 5 hours formatting cycle again and again, i even brought the whole CPU back home to format, but somehow, somewhere, some errors will crop up somewhere!!!!

anyway, i eventually used another hardisc and it took less than an hour to format!! keke, this topic is gettin boring liao, i type oso sian. so dats how the story goes lor, new hard-disc= rejuvenated comp!



yeah, back to the topic

y im writing this entry is becos of a very interesting/funny/gek sim dream i had on fri nite. this dream was so vivid that its still soooo clear in my mind now.

i dreamt that i was at my nanny's place, browsing though a copy of "RCS times". i cant rem the exact name, but it was those super old magazine, those type of exercise-book-size english entertainment magazine before 8-days era. The date of the magazine was not mentioned in the dream, but the year was very clear: 1996.

ok, i know "RCS times" was super olden, and was dis-continued in the 80s i think. but its my dream, so if it says 1996, it shall be 1996. anyway, guess who was on the cover page? it was 朱乐玲(madeline choo), a super old school ex-sbc actress!!! also in the magazine was a fashion shoot of Fann wong, complete with short hair and those 90's clothes(i.e. clothes with shoulder paddings)

another article was even signed off as "reported by young reporter, Tony Sun, from taiwan“ yeah, these exact words man!!!! btw, tony sun=孙协志.

dats the interesting and funny part, having such a vivid dream out of the blues!~!~

how about the gek sim part??

i went to buy 4d, buying the year 1996 i dreamt of. bought $5 big.
guess wat, 头奖for sat is 1998!!!! missed by 2 years!!!%^#$%&^$&$%^#@

I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EYES LOR!!! I EVEN DOUBLE CHECK A FEW TIMES. checked with my mum a few times, making sure she didnt copy wrongly. even wen singapore pools look at the result slip on sun morning, AND checking the website just now. all to make sure its 1998 and not 1996.

ai....could have been $10000 richer if i have dreamt later 2 years man....sian.......

Thursday, November 24, 2005


yesterday has got to be the darkest day in my life.....
exams are over, but yet there's no joy in me at all.

life is starting to become a hassle for me.
i dread to think of tom.
i lost all my beliefs.
any signs of life and happiness in me has totally been wrecked.

dun ask me why, dun ask me to cheer up.
i guess this is wat u call depression.
yes, a serious bout of depression.

there wun be anymore updates in the near future, till the day i feels better ba.
anyway, my comp still hasnt been fixed.
till then....

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Yet another crisis!!!

古人说得好, when u r really down on ur luck, bad things will happen to you one after another.(who's this 古人 huh? 孟子? 孔子? 老夫子? 贞子i? or 精子 huh?) 真的是祸不单行.

barely getting over my quarter life crisis, here i am having to duel with another major crisis: COMPUTERLESS CRISIS!

yest afternoon, out of the blues, my comp started to lag. anything u click in IE will lag ard 10-15s before the desired action is executed. i nvr bother much cos i tot this is the norm since i haven switched off my comp for days.

Suddenly, the fatal blue screen of death appeared on the screen unexpectedly. its followed by me chua sai-ing unexpectedly as well upon seeing the blue screen!!! AND WHO SAYS THE FATAL BLUE SCREEN DOESN'T APPEAR IN XP??!!! anyway, i chua bak sai, not lao sai.

from then on, its downhill all the way man, juz like the sai dripping down ur leg after u chua-ded the sai. i couldnt restart my comp at all!! engaging the help of wayne, chris, stanley and even dennis thru the phone doesnt solve the problem either. my harddisk cannot be detected by the cpu!!

at this point, i realised 5 grave significance of how this could alter my life for the next few days:

1)no more porn surfing!
2)no more viewing of my 11.19Gb of porn collection!
3)no more cybering!
4)no more irc-ing with xiao mei meis!
5)i cant take it liao, NO MORE PORN SURFING?????!!!!! TMD!~!!~~!

wtf man! as if all these not enuff punishment for me, THERE WILL BE NO MORE KINGDOM OF LOATHING!!!

n yaohui confirm will yaya papaya waiting for me to beg/plead/sakar him before he lend me his laptop. NO WILL DO!!!
***oh btw, im using his laptop to blog this entry while he's sleeping! wahaha. lousy laptop leh, cannot input chinese characters. change new one la***

on a more serious note, it seems there's a mighty highty chance dat i will lose my ENTIRE past 5 yrs worth of photos man. this is worst then asking me to become a vegetarian!! dear dear damn mad at me, cos all our photos, including anniversaries, birthdays, holiday trips, dnds, are all inside! not to mention my vti and axela's pictures too!!

damn cheng sim, wayne told me there's a remote chance dat some pros might be able to recover the data from this gone-case harddisk at a hefty charge. ai....wat to do? in fact i dun mind paying, as long as i could retrieve back all these photos....and porn videos! wahaha

anyone heard/know of such lobang must tell me k!!!

meanwhile,wun be bloggin so soon, must wait for yaohui to sleep then can tou tou blog! wahhaa.

p/s: believing that there really exist goondus out there, the writer wish to clarify that he:
  • does not surf porn!
  • does not have 11.19Gb of porn! (he has 19.11Gb instead)
  • does not cyber!
  • does not irc and sian xiao mei meis!

oh yah, the writer is oso kidding when he mentioned he'll rather be a vegetarian than losing his photos collection. HOW COULD HE LIVE WITHOUT MEAT???!!!! siao ah???

Friday, November 18, 2005


Yes, this is the term used to describe wat im currently feeling now.

Im suprised such a term actually existed! Yaohui was reading thru my blog, n shared this term with me. Anyway, he said its normal for ppl to feel this way. He's been there with this shit feeling before.

I wonder how he overcame this feeling man. First time in my life dat im feeling so Aimless, so Lost, Depressed, so.... did i say aimless? watever.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

what's your deepest fear....

whats yours?

wat happened lately really sets me thinking....wats my own fear? fear of losing love ones? fear of achieving expectations? fear of .....blah blah...... im not sure either, it seems to a certain extent all these fears i mentioned resides in me. im seriously doubting my sanity, maybe its becos of exams? or??

i think im starting to lose self-esteem, or rather, the lack of self believing in all aspects as well. haha, maybe its true dat guys does have PMS!
why am i feeling this way? i did some soul searching. currently im having difficulties in finishing my education on time, erm well, im already behind time, juz say i might not be completing my education within the expected time. in fact, i fear dat i might not be able to complete AT ALL!!!!

One thing leads to another..... if im having difficulties in handling my studies now, will i be able to handle working life in future? will i be able to find a job? will i be able to provide for my parents, my dear and my children? will this...will dat..... ??

you see, i think im indeed losing my sanity and getting paranoid!~!~ i think its tough getting things right currently, exams is finishing soon, and theres nothing much i can do to alter the current situation. but u guys willl see a different me next sem. i have been promising alot yet without delivering. it shall be different this time. i shall stand by this belief:

p/s: this 坚持 self-written poster is a popular slogan overheard many times in the new idol drama: “篮球部落”


keke, too lengthy liao. wats a blog without any pics man?? hehe i was out for dinner last week and i saw a very cute baby. although its tough, i still somehow managed to take his pic.

cute bo? wahhaha

lastly, show u guys a very artistic shot i took of axela.

photography and editing is interesting man!~!~

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

how do you pronounce..... friend's name? i.e. axela

feeling rather bo liao, so decided to read my own blog(yes, IM IN LUV W MY OWN BLOG!~!~). wa, i juz realised i got quite alot of typos man....nvm, mostly corrected liao. so if there's still any typos i didn't correct, pls let me know ya. contributors will get a chance to sit in my lovely axela!~!~!~

oh, i digressed from my topic. how should one pronounce axela?? should it be...axe-la, ah-xi-la, air-xi-la, axel-learl or watever???

keke,back to books. got paper tom!~!~!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My new buddy!

yeah, im referring to my new mazda 3. read from a forum dat the name for mazda 3 is Axela(macham civic, sunny,lancer etc.) So i shall call my new friend Axela from now on. Let u guys see Axela's pics first....

Notice the extra guy waving in the background? dats my roomie yaohui. Sibeh EXTRA dio bo? hmm....think there's a 成语 for this situation... 大煞风景!! mai xiao xiao hor, my chinese not bad one. last time PSLE get A ok!!! ai....totally destroyed the whole pic, my bad too, for failure to notice he's poising for the pic. nvm, shall post another pic of axela w/o the EXTRA!!!! hehe

see.... w/o extra, axela nicer right? wahaha. keke, one more side view pic of axela for u guys ogling out there.

yes i know, my car is very chio..... thank you~!~!~!


Prata Gal 出 stun again!!!

i was mentioning something happened on the day i collected my mazda 3(wun call him axela yet, cos juz got to meet him only, 还不是很熟. wahaha!~!~!~)

recieved an sms from prata gal and arranged to meet up with her at 430pm to pass her vti n collect axela. so i reached there, she briefed me on the servcing details, blah blah blah...we signed the agreement forms, both for getting mazda3 and handling of vti. finally after all done, i was able to go n drive my mazda 3 out of the warehouse. after i drove out, i get off n passed her my vti key. her fellow colleague took over the vti key, started the engine n drove off. i chatted with prata gal regarding e v-cool thingy and also, whether its advisable to get a layer of waxing down on my new car, so as to maintain the "new look" for a long long time.(anybody know?) we chatted for around 5 mins before i drove my mazda 3 out of the industrial park.

around 5 mins after i drove off, prata gal called me. she said her colleauge drove my vti out to pump petrol and after pumping, engine cannot start. therefore, towing service is required to get my vti to the scrapyard and dat I HAD TO PAY FOR THE FUCKING TOWING FEE!!!!

(wtf + smlj + gan ni nor neh) x 1000!!!! first she said cos my petrol too little, causing the engine to stall. then she called me in a short while again, saying wat turnkey spoilt, engine overheat plus dunno wat crap la. in a nutshell, she said its my resonsibility to pay for the towing fee since she juz took over the car less than 10mins. wa piang, im fucking pissed can or not!!!

first, we signed an agreement, handling the possession of the car to prata gal(not actually her, but to a dealer. for simplicity sake,juz say her la). then her colleauge started vti in front of us, bo dai ji swee swee drove off. In fact i've been driving with almost empty tank for the past week, topping up a few dollars petrol whenever the empty fuel light lights up. all along bo dai ji, of cos i refused to pay the towing fee! btw, once the empty tank light lights up, can chao chao dong at least 30km+. the light lights up only while i driving to meet her lor. lastly, how i know wat her colleauge did to my car, no doubt 10mins, he might have took my vti n anyhow zhuar, resulting in this. i dun care la....

and so, we had a slight argument and i ngair ngair refused to pay the towing fee...i mean i sympathised with her la, she gotta pay the tow fee. but who sympathise with me? its not my fault oso, and the car "died" while not in my possession. wat logic is dat dat i had to pay for it? In the end she lan lan, then put down the phone.

one more thing, she agreed to give me a full tank of petrol for my mazda 3 and when i collected my car, its not in place man. and she agreed to transfer me $50 to me as payment for full tank lor. 3 days passed liao and i haven recieved the money, so i msg her earlier in the nite, asking her whether she transfered yet. she replied "already did yesterday. n also e tow fee tat was not supposed to be on my bill"

see liao blood boil ah, sibeh guai lan right?? plus very sarcastic, wanted to scold her back for being sarcastic, but remembered she still owes me a spoiler, so didnt bother to 跟她一般见识.


Faulty Reverse Sensors

drove my axela for 3 days liao, then realise that the reverse sensor not working. supposed to bleep at intervals, or continuous while in reverse gear, but it didnt happen. so i went down mazda showroom service centre to have a check. after 30mins, my reverse sensor ok liao, so i happily drove back ntu. stopped by canteen a buy katsu don for me n yaohui, n after dat, tried reversing my car and MY REVERSE SENSOR'S NOT WORKING AGAIN!!!!

stunneded sia....lousy sensors man!!! tom dear coming ntu look for me, we shall go lunch and 顺便 go back kao pei n service again. sianz......

Thursday, November 10, 2005

VTI orbituary

Decided to fufil my promise to do up an orbituary for my vti. hope this does justice to this wonderful and humble servant of 2 years.

"vti was brought into andy's life in late 2003. He caught andy's eyes with his excellent performance together with his fanciful appearance and virtues. Chrome sports rimms, koni suspension, momo steering wheel, spoiler, fog lights, amplifiers and a vcd player system are what vti has to offer to his new partner, his new friend.

Andy's affection towards his new aquisition showed as vti was showered with brand new tyres and new accessories. Together, they braved through both affectionate and difficult times. Vti never let andy down when he needed his help, his speed the most.

However, good times are never meant to last. As vti ages, his health starts to detioriate as well. Fevers(aircon working irregularly) and coughs(jerks) are just some of the few ailments starting to surface. His fever quickly recovered(aircon replacement) under the intensive care of andy, but the cough failed to recover totally despite repeated visits to the doctor.

In June 2005, Vti surffered a heart attack(battery flat) but as luck would have it, a timely transplant saved him back from the gates of death. Sadly, Vti somehow never seemed to recover fully after this, as his cough(jerks) came back more violently than before. An x-ray was performed this time round and the doctors confirmed vti's lungs(gearbox) was badly inflammed and the only solution was through an EXPENSIVE operation and transplant.

Andy adopted a wait and see approach, waiting to see if vti's lungs could miraculously heal by itself or till the day it totally failed before making a decision.

The final nail to the coffin came in october 2006. With prices of COE dropping drastically,(2½ yrs of vti COE= a new car's 10 yrs COE), the time has finally arrived for a painful decision to be made. The time for severing ties, the time for looking forward and the time for moving on.

Vti was warded to the hospital on the 9th Nov and his fate left entirely to the doctors and surgeons. A major facelift and transplants could be done to prolong his life, although pulling the plug to end his life seems more likely. Again, this decision totally lies with the relevant authorities.

It must be noted that its in good faith that vti's demise was brought about. His legacy(scrap value + COE refund) will live on(as downpayment) in andy's new friend, the mazda 3.
VTI, we'll miss you........"

*****白金 for vti are welcomed. please contact andy personally.*****

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My New Car: Mazda 3

Been very(x10) busy lately due to my ongoing exams. However, must blog this this special occasion down no matter how busy or tired i am.

Yes, u are right, MY WINNING BLUE MAZDA 3 IS HERE!~!~!~! had a rather eventful experience while collecting my new car. shall blog more tom together with chio chio pics of my chio chio car tommorow after my paper. today oso spelt the demise of my vti. shall do up an obituary when im free.

news spread fast sia(thanx to yaohui!~!~), i heard edwin small coming over later to ogle at my mazda3!~!~

dear oso getting very gan jiong abt our new aquisition. she wants to be the first passenger in my car!! dun worry man, u shall be the 1st to be in our car!~~!~

Sunday, October 30, 2005


then y i still sad leh?

cos my vti super disfigured now......

Actually wanted to scrap my vti on fri, cos my dealer told me COE refund is pro-rated to months only, and so, if i nvr scrap by the 28th Oct, i would lose 1 whole month of COE value, which amounts to roughtly $300+. Knowing my mazda3 SHOULD come in a weeks time, i decided to scrap my vti, go without a car for 1 week and save the $300+

Fri morning, the supposed date of death for my Vti, i boliaoly surfed LTA's site and to my horror, i discovered COE refund is pro-rated to months and days..... TMD, my dealer cheated me!!! i quickly called her n kao pei, then she said she told me already, but its me who insisted on scrappin my car today!! nabeh leh, she really prata man...nono, prata gals sell prata one meh?? nvm, shall label her as a prata gal.

side-track abit, last week, she told me in order to scrap my car, i need to have at least a working set of audio system. if theres no audio system, there'll be a $100 fee imposed. mine is a vcd system n if scrapped very pa sng, so i took it out and tried to look for a replacement aw piao set. find until almost chua sai, until eddie told me no such thing!! as long as the car got 4 wheels n a body, can scrap liao.

i called prata gal n "confront" her, telling her about my existing siutation, and wat eddie told me. THEN she prata her way thru again and tried playing the nice guy by saying "oh, this one small issue la, i got another customer scrapping his car, and “刚巧” he got an extra set of audios, and “我马上想到你", so this one small issue la. can settle for u. "

SMLJ?? she really good stuff lor, like dat oso can prata her way thru! WHO IN THE HELL WILL SCRAP THEIR CAR WITH AN EXTRA SET OF AUDIOS???

back to main point, i extended vti's life by another week, since pro-rated by days, so shall scrapped vti when mazda3 comes.

Sat morning woke up very early to meet up with dear's colleagues. her colleagues interested in my car parts, so we went her workplace ard 730am and her colleagues took out watever they needed frm my car.
spoiler,tyres and sports rimm, speedometer, steering wheel, alarm buzzer, radio antenna, windows guard, right mirror. sold all these stuffs at a grand total for $230. not a bad deal la, since all these are additional money! thus my vti now look sibeh fugly sia.

if all cars have a life of their own like herbie, i think my vti will be sibeh sad n sibeh dulan at me for disfiguring him!!! to be frank, i very heart pain when i saw dear's colleagues operate on my car....


Friday, October 28, 2005

Initial D part 2!!

Somehow, i seemed to be most active at these type of 狗不拉屎, 鸟不生蛋 time. Again, taking a break from my studies, i decided to go n take a look at my Vti. Tom, i will be sending in my Vti to my dealer for scrapping liao, so this is the last nite i can actually take a good good look at my precious Honda Civic Vti.

Got sentimental value liao.....the car has been with me for ard 2 yrs liao......a bit sad to part with him....but 车老了, 不重用了. lately has been giving me alot of problems....gear box...aircon....

anyway, back to the main point....probably inspired by yesterday's "race" with the LJ lancer, and due to the fact dat i'll be scrapping my car soon.... i decided to try something which i had always wanted to try but didnt have the chance.......


so....was letting chee lip drive my car round ntu. He was taking practical lessons now but didnt have the chance to drive an auto car, so i let him try lor. (sorry dudes, my new Mazda 3 will strictly be restricted to being driven by me and my 老婆 only!!)

so we were driving around NTU with me as the driving instructor beside him. cruising ard n i saw a suitable BIG t-junction somewhere near H15 and NIE. so cheelip and me swap seats and i began going thru my mind the procedures of drifting.

ok, im not an expert...nonono, expert not the word.....i know nuts about drifiting!!!! all i know was wat i gathered from initial D, from that takumi's good fren...cant rem his name.... so it goes like into a junction.....pull the handbrake...then...... cant rem liao. all i know is dat i need to pull handbrake la!

Attempt No. 1
I drove up to bend n turned my steering wheel gently, at the same time pulling the handbrake a little bit like an ah gua. Nothing happened, the car juz negotiated normally into the left without any signs of drifting, or even any signs at all!!!

Attempt No. 2
I floored my accelerator....didnt take note of the speed, but not too fast la...probably ard 50-60km/h. once i reach the junction, i turned my steering wheel left and pulled the handbrake. at the same time, i didnt even realise i took my feet off the accelerator. a slight screeching sound was heard, my car turned slightly more than 90° before stopping.

Attempt No. 3
This time round, i realised wat i did wrong previously: Mustn't let go of the accelerator, so as to allow the drift to carry on. With this in mind, i began on my conquer again! This time round, abit hum ji, and with cheelip beside me kao-pei-ing, i entered the junction at a rather slow speed, maybe ard 40km/h? didnt take note of the speed as i nvr expected this attempt would fail. i turned into the juntion, pulled handbrake and my feet still at the pedal. Like the first attempt, nothing happened. Me n cheelip both concluded must be due to the lack of speed.

at this point of time, cheelip said he wanna go back liao. he meeting his basketball kakis play basketball(wtf? 5am leh!!!) so i drove him back before going back to try again!!

Attempt No. 4
Without a passenger beside me, i felt more confident this time. cos if xia suay nobody will know ma! haha. a few key points this time, mustn't enter the junction too slow, handbrake must pull harder, accelerator mustn't let go. with these points in mind, i gave my 4th attempt another shot! Ah hah, this time round, kinda succesful la, i managed to drift a little bit but i forget a very important point, that i HAVE to counter the steering after the turn. I frantically turned my steering right after the bend and i executed a very ugly S-shaped path after the drift. hmm, shall consider this

Attempt No. 5
A bike was seen entering H15's carpark, so i had to gei gei drive away n not loiter near the junction. i made a u-turn ard 30metres away and came back to give it another try. This time i tried going faster, i think ard 60-70km/h. but i abit 心不在焉, worrying that bike might be from campus security. i entered the bend, kept the accelerator floored, pulled the handbrake, BUT I BLOODY FORGOT TO COUNTER STEER AGAIN! this time power ah, macham straight from the intial d scene, my car turned a full 360° and more ah! At the same time a FARKING LOUD screeching sound was made. My civic stopped in the middle of the junction. Like a kan jiong spider, hum ji kia, and a 热锅上的蚂蚁 all combined together, i floored my accelerator and quickly get out of the scene!!

This marks the end of my little drifting adventure. It'll be a long long time before i get another chance to try this wonderful technique again. Who going to scrap car soon huh? must inform me leh! haha.

*** oh ya, dear ah, if u r reading this, dun worry ok. i will NOT try this on our 宝贝 Mazda 3 one. sompa!!! =) ***

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Initial D!!

alright, long time no post.....
Decided to post some stuffs to relive the stresses from too much muggin!!

Went to buy supper, or should i say dinner just now.....and was on my way back in my about-to-be-scrapped civic when a very exciting but dulan incident happened!!

I was just moving off from the traffic light when i noticed very glaring white lights from my rear mirror...i didnt pay much heed and carried on driving..... was about to negotiate a left bend(it was a 2 lane road, and i was on the left lane; and straight after this left bend, left lane is for turning left ONLY and right lane for turning right ONLY) when this yellow Evo-wannabe Lan Jiao Lancer with full body kit popped out from my right, signalled left and IMMEDIATELY eat into my lane AT the exact bend!!!

WTF!!! i wasn't exactly driving very slow, and this LJ lancer caused me to e-brake at the bend and this make me sibeh dulan. i immediately switched from my normal economy driving mode to the sports mode.

wat followed next is soemthing like a scene from Initial D. Ok, not as hiong as Initial D....maybe something like too fast too furious...... wahaha

This LJ lancer tried to pull away from me after this dangerous stunt at the bend.....but i floored my accelerator to the max. i followed him at his kar chng all the way, negotiating another 2-3 more bends along the way until the point we had to go separate ways...... he filtered left, while i had to go right..... and guess wat?? this LJ lancer still yaya papaya STOPPED after turning left to take a look at

sibeh hot sia......but in very good mood today as my new Mazda3 coming soon.....and my gf managed to squeeze a free spoiler + UV coating for the windows/windscreen from my dealer FREE!!!
glad to have a gf whose good in bargaining!!~!~! wahaha

keke, shall blog again tom or wat.....back to studies~!~!~!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Virgin post



eh, wrong leh?

how come i cannot see anything?



something wrong with my IE huh?

siao han